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Sunday, December 10, 2023

Decemystery (2023) 10: The 1968 Omaha Domed Disk Sighting

Okay, so I wanted to do something a bit special today: cover two incredibly bizarre UFO sightings. This was astonishingly easy since the site I went to—Think About It Docs—had enough stories to last me a lifetime. However, as much as I’d love to write for the rest of my life, I know that there will come a day when I’ll want to retire and do what most old folks do: play golf and watch reruns of M*A*S*H!

Although there were a plethora of UFO stories that sounded enticing, one stood out to me above the rest for a multitude of reasons. It occurred in a quiet state—Nebraska—which I liked; I adore mysteries from parts of the United States (heck, the whole world) that aren’t talked about much. The eyewitness gave more detail than I expected, but not so much that it struck me as suspicious. But above all else, there were multiple eyewitnesses. Yet, despite that, this is the only recounting of this event I can find.

All of that is what convinced me to go with this case; it’s truly something else, and I can guarantee that anyone who’s even slightly interested in UFOs will love this. So come along, dear reader; it’s time to head to the Cornhusker State. This is the story of The 1968 Omaha Domed Disk Sighting!

Corny Joke Goes Here

As I said above, I found this story on Think About It Docs; it’s featured in an article entitled “1968: Disc-shaped domed object over Omaha, Nebraska.” The original source was a report submitted to NUFORC, which you may remember from today’s other Decemystery entry. If not, NUFORC is the “National UFO Reporting Center.” You can also find this story on UFO Evidence; I just wanted to make a note of that since it’s another worthwhile resource for UFO sightings (should you be interested in the topic like I am).

The focus of today’s story is a man—who I will be referring to as Henry—who went from Indianapolis, Indiana, to Omaha, Nebraska, to volunteer for the Presidential campaign of Robert “Bobby” F. Kennedy (known by his initials as “RFK”). If that surname sounds familiar to you, Robert was the brother of the late John F. Kennedy (who was also known by his initials as “JFK”), who was President until his assassination on November 22, 1963.

At the time this sighting occurred, the Democratic Presidential Primary was going on. Henry, who later stated that he was 23 at the time this took place, said in his report that he couldn’t remember the “exact day or date” this happened but guessed that it was “a day or two before the primary election.” I’m not surprised he couldn’t remember the date since he submitted this report on August 22, 2005 (it was posted on September 2 of that year, though), over 30 years after it happened. 

However, luckily for you and me, NUFORC added a note at the end of the report that mentioned the primary in Nebraska was held on May 14, 1968. So, they “assigned the arbitrary date” of May 12; I’ll be using that date as a result. As an incredibly morbid addendum, Robert—like his brother—would also be assassinated a mere 25 days after the events of today’s story, on June 6.

Anyway, let’s get back on track. While he was in Omaha, Henry met and became acquainted with a few other campaign volunteers—two of whom were instructors at the University of Iowa. One day, Henry and the other volunteers went to a “family restaurant,” which didn’t serve alcohol. I have no idea why he mentioned that part since it never comes up later, and judging by the other events that happened, I doubt being inebriated was the cause of this sighting.

At this restaurant, Henry and the others conversed about various topics. At one point, someone mentioned the pen name of Brad Steiger (which, from what I can tell, was Eric Norman). I was curious if this claim was true, and to my surprise, yes, Steiger did teach English at a college in Iowa between 1963 and 1967. I’m not sure if it was Luther College of Iowa or the University of Iowa since he attended both. That aside, I honestly had no idea he did, so I learned something new.

After Steiger was mentioned, the conversation shifted to the paranormal and UFOs. I truly envy this man since most dinners I’ve been to involve politics rather than anything else meaningful. There’s nothing quite like sitting at—or near—a dinner table listening to people talk about Donald Trump or Joe Biden. I’m sure that if someone is reading this ten years after it’s been written, it will still be true. What I’m getting at is: family dinners suck.

Now that I’m done complaining about how I can’t stand listening to discuss politics let’s get back to the story that exists because of someone who was politically active. After a while, Henry’s group shifted away from the topic of the paranormal and UFOs to other things. Presumably, they discussed RFK and Eugene McCarthy, who became the Democratic nominee in 1968. For those curious, McCarthy would go on to lose the election to the now-infamous Richard Nixon. If his name sounds familiar, I have one word for you: Watergate.

At roughly 9:00 p.m. (21:00 for my 24-hour time readers), Henry and his fellow campaign volunteers left the restaurant. Outside, they saw a school bus that had a bunch of high school students in it. Several of them were leaning out of the windows, screaming and pointing to the sky behind Henry and his companions. Curious, they turned around and saw something that would change their lives forever.

According to Henry, behind them was the restaurant’s parking lot. As terrifying as it is to think about having to find a good parking spot, it’s worth remembering that the high schoolers were gesturing to the sky and not the road. So, if we were to pretend that we were standing in the parking with Henry and tilted our heads up, we would notice that roughly 100 feet (30 meters) in the air above it was a UFO.

This UFO looked like a very standard alien spacecraft. Henry described it as “circular, with a float bottom and an opaque dome on the top.” Atop the dome was “a single, steady white light.” There were also “solid white lights” around the UFO’s rim that were in the “shape of rectangles with rounded corners.” In between them was a bit of unlit space; the aforementioned lights “flashed around the rim in a counter-clockwise direction” that Henry compared to “lights on a theater marquee.” Size-wise, he estimated it to be between 35 to 50 feet (10 to 15 meters) in diameter. To top everything off, it produced absolutely no noise.

With all of that in mind, I believe it’s safe to say that if the aliens were aiming for stealth, they clearly went to the Roland Emmerich School of Subtlety and got a doctorate there because they weren’t going unnoticed by anyone who had better eyesight than Stevie Wonder.

In all seriousness, as I said before, this sounds like a textbook flying saucer: its shape, size, lack of sound (aside from the screaming), and basically everything else. If you’ve ever seen a depiction of an alien spaceship, this sounds like it was plucked from a 1950s B-movie.

Anyway, amidst the bewilderment, others from within the restaurant came out to see what the hubbub was all about. Needless to say, they took one look at the enormous hovering spaceship before running away screaming. According to Henry, parents rushed with their children to their cars so they could leave. I wonder how many unpaid bills were left that day.

Henry and his friends didn’t run away. Instead, they stared at the floating craft in amazement. After a while, one of his companions decided to begin timing ship. During this, the men all “asked each other to describe” what they were seeing. According to Henry, all of their descriptions matched the UFO that was idly floating around above the parking lot of whatever restaurant this was. Who knew the “I” in “IHop” stood for Intergalactic? I sure didn’t!

After around two minutes, the UFO began to move—slowly; Henry estimated its speed to be about 4 or 5 miles per hour (6.4 to 8 kilometers per hour). By comparison, the average human who’s 30 or younger walks at a speed of roughly 3 miles per hour (4.8 kilometers per hour). Who says that aliens can’t go for a leisurely Sunday night flight?

Henry and his companions decided to follow the UFO, which remained at its surprisingly low altitude. However, none of them were familiar with Omaha, so it was difficult to keep up with the craft. I have no idea what the roads were like at the time, so I won’t judge their inability to maintain pursuit. I kind of wish they had tried to run through various cornfields, but I digress. Eventually, the trio stopped trying to follow the aircraft. Henry later stated that they thought they may have seen it again “on the outskirts of town,” but he’s unsure. I’ll get back to this later.

After this, Henry puts forward some thoughts of his own, along with a few additional details. One of those details is that none of them had camcorders or anything else of that nature on them at that time. Whether any other bystanders did isn’t said, but more on that later. Although none of them recorded the sighting, Henry claimed that if they had, it would have been “the clearest, most dramatic, long-lasting sighting ever made of a UFO.” Most of that in the original report is capitalized, but I decided to fix it since it looked like the title of a clickbait YouTube video.


You know, that kind of trash.

Anyway, as for the “thoughts” Henry had, one of them was if it was a coincidence that the UFO appeared after he and his fellow campaign volunteers discussed UFOs in the restaurant. I’ve heard stories of people who claim they can “summon” UFOs, but I don’t know of any stories or claims that talking about them can result in their appearance. If that’s the case, then it’s a miracle one hasn’t crashed into my home, given how frequently I’ve talked about them.

Henry also pondered if he and his friends imagined it. As Henry himself immediately said afterward, this sounds incredibly unlikely, given they weren’t the first to have seen the UFO. Unless there was some sort of hallucinogen that was released in that area, I cannot imagine how or why this could have been the case, but I digress. This possibility being nixed now means I don’t need to cover it in the theories.

The final thought Henry has, and easily the most crucial, is that Omaha was where the United States Strategic Air Command was located. That was the precursor to the United States Strategic Command (also known as USSTRATCOM), which oversees things like the United States’ nuclear deterrence, among other things that I don’t understand since my military knowledge is garbage. As an addendum, USSTRATCOM is also located in Omaha. It’s nice to see that such a quiet state is where we set up our base of operations. It’s a miracle that it hasn’t been flattened by a tornado. I guess HAARP really does work!

Anyway, the point that Henry made was a genuinely good one: given the Strategic Air Command was located in Omaha, one has to think that they would have seen this craft on the radar. However, no jets were scrambled. That’s happened with other UFO sightings; I’ve heard several stories of jets chasing after UFOs. Yet, whether by choice or because it quite literally flew under the radar, none were dispatched to go after this incredibly slow-moving hunk of metal and light.

There are other possibilities, of course, and one that Henry put forward was that it was “one of our own.” This theory has a lot of issues, some of which Henry brings up. I’ll get into why exactly in the theories section because there’s a fair bit to go over. For now, though, let’s wrap up Henry’s story.

Henry concluded his report by saying he didn’t remember what departments at the University of Iowa his two companions worked at. However, he did “see them in a story on the national TV news” at some point. When, exactly, isn’t said, but it had to do with an event being held at the aforementioned University.

Henry signs off by saying he’s never forgotten the sighting and that he has no desire to ever see another UFO. Well, Henry, I hope for your sake that you haven’t since you sent in this report. Personally, I’d like to see one. However, I’m in no rush.

Now, while the story may be concluded, there’s still some stuff I want to go over. The first is an addendum to the NUFORC report that was added by NUFORC. It’s there that they “assigned” the date of May 12, 1968. They also said that they “would very much like to receive reports from any of the other witnesses to this event.” Out of curiosity, I tried to look up if anyone else had talked about this case since there were apparently parents who ran away from the scene. Not to mention the school bus of high schoolers who saw it.

Well, that brings me to this story’s greatest flaw and most confounding aspect. As far as I can tell, Henry was the only person to submit any sort of report related to this incident. As far as I can tell, there are none that corroborate it. Think About It Docs has sections dedicated to each continent and its respective UFO and alien encounters; the site is chock full of sightings related to both that range from obscure to well-known. There are none related to this one whatsoever.

The closest thing I can find related to this sighting is the story of a police officer named Herbert Schirmer, who was allegedly abducted on December 3, 1967, in Ashland, Nebraska, which is a mere 31 minutes from Omaha. However, the two are vastly different in a multitude of ways, but Schirmer’s story popped up a fair bit when I tried to look up Henry’s encounter.

That lack of information is unfathomable to me. The idea that nobody spoke about this to anyone at any point in the 37 years since this happened (not to mention the 18 years since Henry sent his report to NUFORC) is staggering. I have no idea where exactly in Omaha this occurred, but the city’s population at the time was somewhere between 301,598 (per the 1960 United States Census) and 346,929 (per the 1970 United States Census). Surely—surely—somebody talked about this to a UFO researcher at some point.

But I shouldn’t get ahead of myself. There are a fair number of theories for us to go over, and some of them do explain things. So, rather than get hung up on the oddities of this story, let’s go over possibilities and see if any of them strike true.


1. A hoax

Given the tone of the rant I just went on, I believe it’s only fitting that I begin with this theory. Normally, I would be rather dismissive of this theory because I’ve grown to become rather hesitant about labeling things as hoaxes. However, in this particular case, there are a number of things that are going in its favor. The biggest of those things is the complete lack of additional witness reports.

Given the population of Omaha, along with the assertion that others saw the UFO, you’d think that others would have come forward at the time to talk about this. Yet, as far as I can tell, there were no newspaper articles on this; no other similar reports to the one Henry submitted exist. Despite a school bus of high schoolers—a demographic known for blabbering about anything and everything—were apparently tight-lipped about this.

Now, for anyone who’s into UFOs, there is an explanation for this: Men in Black told the eyewitnesses to remain hush-hush about this, or else something bad would happen. That would be fine, but I’m unfamiliar with the MiB telling an entire community to be quiet. Unless they threatened the whole of Omaha with the same fate as Doveland, Wisconsin, I can’t imagine that was the case.

Should the MiB not tickle your fancy, you can also chalk it up to local law enforcement dismissing the whole thing. It’s not unheard of for cops to roll their eyes at people saying that there’s a UFO flying around. However, one would think that they’d at least send one guy out to see what was up, especially if numerous calls were coming in. Granted, I’m not a cop, nor do I have any experience in the field, but I would think that dispatch would at least send some beat cop out to see what people were panicking about.

But, hey, maybe nobody called in. That leads to something that Henry pointed out: the United States Strategic Air Command didn’t scramble any jets; it’s like this thing didn’t appear on their radar. This ties into its own theory, but I want to touch upon it here since it’s a major flaw. As I said earlier, I’ve read stories about fighter jets chasing after UFOs. Heck, I’m pretty sure at the Congressional hearings about “UAPs,” military personnel have talked about pilots trying to follow these things.

I cannot believe for a millisecond that the US military would ignore an unidentified aircraft appearing on their radar during the frigging Cold War, especially when it was within proximity to the country’s intercontinental ballistic missiles. According to a quick Google search, the United States spent $84,330,000,000 on its military in 1968. Adjusted for inflation, that’s only around $745,571,707,758.62. I refuse to believe that the United States was indifferent about an unidentified aircraft being anywhere close to the Strategic Air Command. If there was anything the nation would want to defend, it would be its military toys.

But, hey, maybe it flew under the radar—metaphorically or literally; either one works. Well, in that case, I must circle back to the lack of reports. If people reported seeing this, then I firmly believe that that immediately negates the police not taking it seriously. Someone would have dialed up a nearby military base and reported it. Somehow, in some way, it would have reached them, and they would have been on high alert for a possible Soviet aircraft of some sort.

No matter how many ways you cut it, this theory has a lot going for it. However, that doesn’t immediately make it the truth; there are some other explanations that do help to brush this under the rug. But, rather than just say it, let’s dig into them because there are some really weird paths they go down.

2. A top-secret military aircraft

It’s no secret that the United States spends an absurd amount of money on its military. Whether you agree with that or not, I personally don’t care, but the fact it spends so much means that they’re often ahead of the curve when it comes to fancy military technology. That means one popular explanation for UFOs is that they’re experimental military aircraft.

This theory has existed for a very long time, and it’s one that I firmly believe to be true. However, in this case, there’s one glaring flaw that I think causes it to implode like a dying star. I’m pretty sure that some of you likely know it. If not, then here’s the issue in bold, italicized, and underlined text:

Why on God’s green Earth would they fly it so close to a populated area where everyone and their grandmother could see it!?

I felt that maximized the emphasis; I won’t make it a thing going forward with this blog. For this write-up, though, I deemed it necessary since I believe it’s a legitimately important question.

There have been cases of people calling in hearing sonic booms that were caused by aircraft tests; I remember when I lived in New York, some nearby counties had news reports of such incidents by supersonic jets. There are also cases where drones and weather balloons have been mistaken for UFOs. The same goes for rocket tests; look no further than images and videos posted online of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket taking off.

My point is that there is precedent for this theory. However, in this particular instance, the circumstances require an incredible amount of ineptitude on the military’s part. To fly an aircraft this low to the ground and over a large, busy part of a city is such a mind-boggling display of idiocy that I can almost believe it. Unfortunately, the lack of any information outside of Henry’s report really hinders this theory. Yes, you can apply the Men in Black idea to this theory, too, but I’ve never heard of them intimidating someone for seeing an experimental or top-secret aircraft.

There’s also the issue of the military not addressing things after the sightings. I find that bizarre, especially since they went on to claim responsibility for the now-famous Phoenix Lights, claiming that it wasn’t a UFO but rather a flare test. Some believed it while others didn’t; I personally don’t, but to their credit, they did go and drop more flares in an attempt to prove that they were behind them. I’ll let you decide if they’re flares or not.

As I said, I don’t think so.

Of course, if this was some sort of classified test, maybe they wouldn’t have made a public statement. Why, exactly, the pilots would have flown so closely to the ground is still behind me. Perhaps they thought it’d be funny to scare civilians, or perhaps something malfunctioned. Nothing strikes me as satisfactory, but I digress. Let’s move on to the next theory.

3. A UFO

This theory requires me to dive into a conspiracy that I’ve never touched upon outside of the Second Conspiracy Megalist. But before we get into it, I’ll address the various things this theory would explain on its own.

UFOs are said to be capable of amazing acrobatic maneuvers. This was not one of them, but it did hover in place and never emitted any noise, which is a staple of some UFO reports. Its overall design was also reminiscent of a classic alien spacecraft. On top of all of that, UFOs are also said to be capable of not appearing on radar, so it’s possible that this was one case where it didn’t appear on any Air Force radars (I still don’t believe that explains how word never reached any nearby military bases, but I digress).

Anyway, onto that previously-mentioned conspiracy. While I didn’t see it mentioned anywhere, I want to mention it because this is one time I feel I’ve had a reason to elaborate upon it. Some US Presidents have claimed to have seen UFOs; Jimmy Carter is a good example, claiming that seeing a UFO inspired him to run for President (to which he won, but only served one term, being defeated by Ronald Reagan in 1980).

I don’t believe that any President was more fascinated by UFOs and aliens as a whole than Dwight David Eisenhower. A general during World War II, Eisenhower made history by becoming the first President not to have any prior political experience (to date, only one other President holds this honor: Donald Trump). Eisenhower would go on to authorize NASA’s creation; he also had a weird tendency to “disappear.”

Supposedly, Eisenhower had “three secret meetings” with aliens where he discussed various treaties, technology, and other matters. This claim is one that I read about last year before subsequently forgetting a lot of it because of how bad my post-COVID brain fog was; I have plans to cover it in full, though, as I admire Eisenhower a great deal, and I find the story incredibly fascinating.

As for how this all ties into this theory, it’s possible that this UFO belonged to one of the races (which might have been Greys or Nordics, judging by what some claim) that Eisenhower made a treaty with, so they were “authorized” to be in our airspace. How likely is this? Well, officially, the archives of Eisenhower’s Presidency lack anything on such meetings. Of course, if you believe Eisenhower met with aliens, that would be rather obvious since anything related to aliens is always “top secret.”

Unfortunately, due to that secretive nature, it’s impossible to “officially” prove or disprove that; even if we were to submit a Freedom of Information Act request, it’s unlikely you’d get anything back since classified documents are out of the public eye until they aren’t. However, when it comes to aliens, I doubt the US government would willingly showcase the existence of aliens—or that a President met with them. Nevertheless, this theory would explain a lot of the issues with this story, though I still question how the government would have gotten all of those people to remain hush-hush about having seen a UFO flying a mere 100 feet over the ground.

On one final note, if you want to read a bit more on the theory surrounding Eisenhower and the aliens, Distractify did a solid write-up on it. There are other sites that have covered it since then, be they more “fringe” sites or mainstream ones.

4. Mass hysteria

This theory is the only one that I believe could be considered as likely as it is unlikely. Cases of mass hysteria exist, and I can definitely see it happening during the Cold War, especially if there was a low-flying object that looked unlike anything else you’d see in the sky (like a bird, a regular plane, or a disembodied leg). At the same time, there are some problems, but let’s wait to get to them. For now, I want to focus on what works.

The first thing is that in cases of mass hysteria, all reasoning and rationality tend to go out of the window. So, if this were some sort of, say, weather balloon or experimental aircraft, I doubt many—if any—would notice that. They would see something weird, get scared, and panic. Keep this in mind; it’s important.

The second thing is that if this was mass hysteria, it may not have made the wider news cycle. While I still find it odd that no site appeared to have anything to dictate this, I guess it’s possible it only made local news. I lack any subscription to any newspaper archive site because I have no funds. I’m also cheap, but I digress; let’s keep going.

Where this theory falters is with Henry and his companions’ reactions. It sounds like they didn’t panic; quite the opposite, really. It sounds like they were calm, collected, and more in awe than anything else. Heck, they attempted to pursue it; I doubt they would have attempted this if they expected the aliens to vaporize them. Of course, it’s possible that Henry was lying, and they did panic, but he didn’t want to come across as a pansy. I’m personally doubtful, though, but I do think it’s nonetheless possible.

I also think that it’s a bit odd that law enforcement made no appearance whatsoever, nor did the military do some sort of sweep. This could very much be a “me” issue in that I’m overreacting to people freaking out about seeing something, but I find it hard to believe that there was no investigation—even if it was mass hysteria. Tell me you think I’m harping on this too much; I’m curious if I’m alone.

With that said, though, this is the only theory that I believe has an equal amount of stuff that goes in—and against—its favor. It’s honestly quite shocking; a theory for this theory that doesn’t lean completely in one direction. That’s akin to finding a unicorn.

5. Advertising for Omaha Steaks

I’ve never had them, but all the advertising makes them out to be the greatest steaks on Earth.

My Take

I’m extremely doubtful of the validity of this story. I know that’s a real shocker, given how I made my feelings toward this story way more apparent than I would have to in the first theory—not to mention the end of the main story segment. I try to remain as unbiased as possible, but this case has so many holes that you’d think it was Swiss cheese.

Given the first theory effectively turned into my own take, I won’t repeat myself by going on another tangent. Rather, I’ll merely echo my sentiments from there. The lack of additional documentation and eyewitnesses really hinders this story; it’d be one thing if this thing had flown close to the ground in a rural part of Nebraska, where the population was spread out. However, this was in Omaha, the largest city in the state—and nowadays, it’s in the top fifty largest cities in the entire nation. That begs the question as to how this didn’t make headlines and how this story is so obscure.

That obscurity is something I didn’t touch upon earlier, but I will now: You’d think that a UFO sighting in a major American city would be really well-known. Two of the most famous UFO stories are from major cities: the previously-mentioned Phoenix Lights and the infamous “Battle of Los Angeles.” The latter of the two is generally agreed not to have been UFO-related, but it’s still a part of UFO culture. There are some who still believe that what was fired upon was a UFO mothership, but I digress. Both occurred in major American cities, and both are incredibly well-documented. In my opinion, that begs the question as to why this story wasn’t.

Additionally, if the UFO had gone to the “outskirts of town,” like Henry thought it might have, then it surely would have been spotted by others. I cannot imagine the whole of Omaha being so oblivious to the sky that nobody outside of the people at this one restaurant saw it. Yet, despite having been so low to the ground, moving ever-so-slightly faster than a human walks, nobody else saw this. I look up when I hear an airplane; how did nobody look up when the stupidly bright saucer trudged along above them? Or do I just not know Omaha that well? Henry said it was in a “busy part of town,” I would imagine that somebody would notice the bright light flying a mere 100 feet overhead!

My frustration aside, I will admit one thing. In my eyes, there was nothing about the way Henry wrote his report that struck me as coming across as disingenuous. Now, granted, it’s likely because I’m an overly naïve man, but Henry’s recounting felt genuine—more so than some other stories I’ve come across. Of course, a good writer can pull off something like that, so it’s plausible that I’m falling for the story of a duplicitous person. That wouldn’t shock me since I’m not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to reading some things.

My naïvety aside, this is one case where I don’t believe the storyteller. As genuine as Henry’s case appeared, there were way too many things that begged for answers, but I couldn’t find any. Of course, it’s possible I missed something, but assuming that NUFORC didn’t find anything, like a news article from around that time, I doubt that I did; I may believe that I suck at research, but if this thing is as obscure as something like The Bagodemon, I doubt a major UFO research network couldn’t drudge up an article from around the time a Presidential primary election was going on. So, yeah, toss this one into the same ditch as the Brooklyn UFO sighting from earlier today. If I did miss something, then by all means, leave a comment telling me; I’m always happy to be proven wrong. It’d help me to improve my research skills, if nothing else.


This was one of the many stories this month that ballooned far past what I expected the word count to be. I anticipated that this would be a relatively short Decemystery entry; it ended up being over twice as long as I initially expected. How, exactly, I continue to get things like the word length of these write-ups wrong so consistently, I don’t know. It’s one of the many questions I am left asking myself as I go to sleep each night, along with wondering what I will do the following day and if I will actually sleep peacefully or if I will be plagued by night terrors. As of the time of writing, the answers are: I’m going to write and, yes, I was plagued by them!

Anyway, I hope that you enjoyed this little adventure into the realm of UFOs and extraterrestrials; there will be plenty more this month, and I hope that you will enjoy them, too! Until then, I would love to know what you believe Henry saw; do you agree with my assessment, or do you think this was a real alien spacecraft? Feel free to leave a comment telling me; and as always, stay happy, stay healthy, and thank you for reading!

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