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Monday, December 11, 2023

Decemystery (2022.3) 11: The Reptilian Judge

The Reptilian theory is one that I’ve avoided touching for a while now. The main reason is that it’s extremely controversial, and as someone who doesn’t like drawing a lot of attention to himself, I’ve been hesitant to cover it. I know that likely comes across as weird, given I’m posting my writings on the Internet, but I was never known for my common sense and logic.

Anyway, while the Reptilian theory isn’t the central focus of today’s Decemystery entry, it is a key part of it. You see, whether you believe David Icke’s claims that the world’s elite are Reptilian aliens who want to enslave humanity is largely irrelevant. Some believe that these aliens—and aliens of other species—live among us in secret. I normally don’t like making comparisons to popular media, but if you want an example of what I mean, look at the Marvel storyline “Secret Invasion” as an example; it was adapted into a Disney+ show for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I heard it was pretty bad, but I wouldn’t know for myself since I tuned out of the MCU after Endgame (which I didn’t like; hate me if you want).

However, whereas Secret Invasion involved the Skrulls taking on the forms of prominent people in order to invade human society (at least, that’s how it was in the comics), the Reptilian theory has them doing so for various reasons. Some say they want to enslave us, while others say they want to annihilate us. Either way, it’s not good news for humanity.

With today’s story, it’s more bad news for one guy who resided in Los Angeles (I have no idea if they still do). A man in the so-called “City of Angels” claimed that the judge at his court hearing was, in fact, a Reptilian in disguise. So come along, dear reader; it’s time to dive into the tale of The Reptilian Judge!

Randall Boggs’ Greatest Endeavor

I first found this story on the Paranormal World Wiki, where it was entitled “Judge, Jury and Reptilian Humanoid.” The original source—as far as I can tell—was the Mutual UFO Network (or MUFON), but I couldn’t find where it was originally posted; I’m guessing their website, but I couldn’t find it there. Luckily, it was picked up by Cryptozoology News, which I mentioned in the write-up about the giant beetle outside an airplane window. If you don’t remember that site, it’s now defunct but lives on through the Internet Archive. It also has a lot of weird and wild tales, so I’ll try to check it out in the future. 

Now, then, onto the story itself. It occurred in the mid-2010s (I believe in 2016; for whatever reason, the site lacks a date for the article). According to Cryptozoology News, a man—whose name was “omitted” from a report, so I will call him Alan—appeared in a western Los Angeles court for a “traffic violation.” During the proceeding, Alan claimed that he saw the judge “changing shape” and into “a reptile.” 

Alan goes on to say that he was “about 10 to 15 feet (3 to 4.5 meters for my metric system users)” from the judge. Alan later added that only her face had changed shape and that her hands were “on the desk,” but were “blocked by the podium where I stood.” Eventually, the judge “then changed back into a human form.” This unfathomable transformation happened in 5–10 seconds. Despite there being 15 other people (which included officers and reporters) in the courtroom, it was observed by nobody other than Alan.

After this bizarre transformation, Alan said that his case was “rescheduled.” I thought about waiting to mention this, but I may as well do it now. I’m not a legal expert, but I know that court records are publicly available, at least in some capacity; as far as I know, court proceedings (which is what this was) absolutely are.

I mention that because I considered trying to comb through Los Angeles’ records to see if I could find anything out about this, but I deemed it to be far too much work. While I believe this incident happened either at the tail-end of February 2016 or the very beginning of March 2016, West Los Angeles has a hefty population. I’m not exactly sure what it is since I’ve found a few different numbers, but the West LA Chamber of Commerce website says that it’s “over 228,000 people.” Another site puts it at around 14,000. This is likely due to there being “West Los Angeles” and the “Westside of Los Angeles,” with the latter having a higher population (from what I can gather).

If anyone wants to go snooping around old court records to see if they can find out who this person was, then, by all means, go ahead. However, I am here to disappoint you guys, girls, and nonbinary pals by saying that I did not do this. I’m writing this in the middle of November, and I still have 13 other write-ups to do after this one; my time is not only limited, but my carpal tunnel is going to make me look like a lizard by the time all of this is done. So, yeah, I just wanted to say that I didn’t go looking through court records to see if this held up to a bit of scrutiny. I sincerely apologize.

After that, Alan’s processing presumably ended since he says that the next time he saw the judge, she “recused herself” and wouldn’t see him again. If you’re unfamiliar with that term, recusing is when a judge excuses themselves from a case on account of not being impartial. 

Alan attempted to speak to the judge after her recusal, but she refused to do so. Instead, the judge had the bailiff inform Alan to “return at the next scheduled court date.” After that, Alan “never saw the judge again” in his future trips to the court. I have no idea if these trips were made for his traffic violation or if he has (or had) a tendency to get into trouble. Whatever the case may be, Alan proceeded to only inform two other people about what had happened before he wrote about it to MUFON. He then ended his report by saying:

I saw what I saw. I will never forget it.

That’s where the story ends, though there are a few things that I still want to go over. For starters, I wanted to see if there were any other sites that had reported on this case. As far as I can tell, there weren’t, though it was shared elsewhere, at least. Over on Reddit, someone made a post on r/HumanoidEncounters. Meanwhile, there was a thread on Alien Hub. They’re worth giving a read for some additional perspectives on the story and what some think; some believed Alan’s story, while others were extremely doubtful. I’ll bring up a few of the points made when we get to the theories. Until then, I want to take a gander at the comments on the Cryptozoology News article since there was one that piqued my interest.

The first comment made was on March 3, 2016, and was left by a user named “MARY KATHERINE SCRUGGS.” Yes, her name was in all capital letters; when I read it, I shouted it in my head. Anyway, Mary’s perspective on the whole thing was that it was demonic in nature. I have to admit, I’m unfamiliar with the idea that Reptilians are demons; I’ve only ever heard of them talked about as being aliens. If someone happens to know, leave a comment educating me so I don’t end up as clueless as I am now. For now, let’s focus on the content in Mary’s comment because she told a pretty interesting story.

According to Mary, the “evil spirit” that possesses people will make them take on the appearance of the demon. So, presumably, the judge was possessed by a demon who looked like a Reptilian. Mary backs this up by claiming that she’d seen it happen with her own eyes. She said that there was a woman who practiced witchcraft. One day, she saw this woman near her Church in a witch’s clothing.

This whole experience frightened Mary greatly. When she got home, she called her mom and told her about it. At some point later, Mary’s mom called her back and informed Mary that, upon telling Mary’s father, he said that he’d seen the same woman. He initially wasn’t going to speak about it, but upon learning that Mary had seen her, he felt compelled to say that she wasn’t alone.

Mary goes on to say that she’s seen people who resembled puffed-up bullfrogs. I had to look this up to see what a bullfrog looks like when it’s “puffed-up,” and I still don’t understand what she’s getting at. The first thing that comes to mind is that the people she’s seen are fat. Maybe there’s something else that I’m not thinking of, but that’s all that comes to mind. Unless she’s seen people who are puffing out their chests. If someone else has another idea or an explanation as to what Mary meant here, let me know.

After that, Mary brings up that these beings were called “shapeshifters” by Native Americans (I’m guessing she’s referring to Skinwalkers, but I don’t know for certain). Mary says that they can only shapeshift on account of their willingness to do “some dark stuff.” That, or they’re possessed by demons. This leads me to wonder what Mary would think of Druids in RPG games.

My poor jokes aside, Mary ends her comment by saying that Alan is one of the few who has the “gift of discernment” from God and that he’s “blessed” to have received it. I’ve never heard of this, and I think this is a sign that I am about as well-versed in anything and everything supernatural and theological as a cardboard standee at an abandoned Blockbuster. May God have mercy on my soul next year, for I need to do a lot of research so I can stop being so out of the loop on the topics that I write about.

The other comments are by no means anything noteworthy—not in my eyes. One person claimed to be a Shaman, to which one person responded by saying that they’re full of it. Meanwhile, another person said, “this needs to be deleted fast,” which made me laugh. My personal favorite comment came from someone named “MISTA MARSUPIAL,” who said that in their experiences, the real snakes were lawyers and not judges.

That’s more or less where the story ended; as far as I know, there was no follow-up, nor did MUFON investigate this (though I don’t think they investigate the thousands of reports they get since it’d be impossible). Despite the lack of any sort of concrete conclusion, I must admit that this is a fascinating case. I’ve heard countless jokes about people in law being lizards and cold-hearted, but this was surprisingly interesting. At the same time, it was a pain in the neck to write because I procrastinated quite a bit on account of getting back into World of Warcraft; that was a truly genius move on my end. Anyway, enough digressing; let’s dive into the theories!


1. A hoax

Our inaugural theory is one that will be appearing in practically every single write-up this month. It’s also one that could very well be removed if I had the time to sift through Los Angeles’ court records. But. Since I didn’t do that, here we are; I have to dance around my own ineptitude and laziness.

If I’m to be honest, I doubt this was a hoax. While I’m willing to eat crow if I’m wrong, I cannot imagine that someone would try to perpetrate a hoax that could so easily be disproven. Granted, some folks are denser than neutron stars, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t an optimistic fellow. Still, it’s more than plausible that this was all made up. If it was, then I’ll find the nearest crow and metaphorically have it for lunch.

2. A hallucination

This was a theory put forward by a user on Alien Hub named “Castle-Bravo354,” who posited that Alan’s trial was postponed as he was unfit to stand trial. This a very plausible scenario and would explain why nobody else in the courtroom noticed the judge supposedly shapeshifting; it would have been in Alan’s head.

On the flip side, I don’t know why the judge would recuse herself. Presumably, if he was unfit to stand trial, there would be something else done. Granted, I’m not a law major, but I doubt a recusal is necessary if the person is mentally ill. Maybe someone can better explain this, but I’m a bit uncertain here.

I also don’t know if this information would appear in public court records. If it does, then this is going to forever be a shining example of why I consider myself to be a god-awful researcher.

Those problems aside, the only other thing worth mentioning is what exactly Alan would have been suffering from. Plenty of things can cause hallucinations, especially in the rain of mental health. The most likely, in my eyes, would be schizophrenia. Alternatively, he could have had a type of Bipolar or Schizoaffective Disorder. I’m not a psychiatrist, though, so I won’t take any guesses.

3. A Reptilian alien

A staple in the realm of conspiracy theories, the idea that the higher-ups of any given nation, along with their elite, are shapeshifting lizards or Reptilians is a tale as old as David Icke. I’ve already gone over the concept behind this theory in the introduction, so there isn’t too much to cover here.

If you’re a believer in this theory, there’s virtually nothing I can say that would sway you one way or the other; odds are, you already think that Californian politicians are Reptilians (which wouldn’t be the most absurd thing to come out of California if you ask me). So, really, what good is dissecting the likelihood of Gavin Newson, Adam Schiff, or Kevin McCarthy being lizards going to do? Well, it would give me an opportunity to poke fun at them, so I guess that would be a plus.

The one thing I do want to mention is that the idea of a Reptilian taking on the guise of a judge is something I seldom hear about. In the United States, judges hold an incredible amount of influence; I don’t know if all of them do, but if you look at, say, the Court of Appeals and State Supreme Courts, the amount of power they have is incredible. I’m shocked I don’t see more theories that judges are Reptilians. If you ask me, it would be a lot more productive to masquerade as a judge than a Senator!

4. A demon

This theory exists solely due to Mary’s comment, and it’s one that I still can’t wrap my head around. I’ve read about people who claim that demonic possession can change the possessed individual’s “aura,” but this sounds more like a physical transformation. That’s something I can’t remember ever having heard about, and I really wish I’d heard about it before going into this story because I could have likely found some damn great stories to cover. Oh well, maybe next time (or if someone would be kind enough to point me in the direction of a book or website that has a collection of stories I could look into).

Demonic possession has never been my favorite topic; it honestly scares me. Nevertheless, it is relatively interesting, and there are some truly fascinating accounts out there. One of my favorites is that of Anneliese Michel, whose story I very haphazardly covered back in 2019. Honestly, it’s really not worth reading in my eyes, but it’s fun to look back in time at my old writing.

As a random fun fact, for those who don’t know, Anneliese’s story was the basis for the 2005 film The Exorcism of Emily Rose, directed by Scott Derrickson, who helmed one of my favorite horror films of all time: Sinister. While the character of Emily Rose is fictional, her character and the events that transpire within the film are inspired by Anneliese and her purported possession.

Anyway, this theory is one that left me baffled. Anneliese’s story is the one that I think of first when it comes to demonic possession since it’s the one I know the most about; in fact, it’s the only one I know anything about. As a result, I often think about it whenever I come across the theory that someone was possessed, which I can’t do here because the two are nothing alike. Still, I know that Anneliese’s appearance changed, but it was because of a multitude of health reasons (seriously, there were so many that I can’t go over them).

Due to my complete and total cluelessness, I can’t say with any level of confidence if this theory has any basis in theology, nor do I feel comfortable making a guess, lest my Roman Catholic roots manifest and slap me senseless. So, I leave this one up to my more well-read demonology readers.

5. It was Reptile from Mortal Kombat

Our friend here narrowly avoided a fatality.

My Take

Okay, before I get to my take, I’m going to concede a bit of ground. I fully acknowledge that I didn’t try to comb through the West Los Angeles court records, so this could very well be a hoax. Do I think it was? No, but it very well could have been. I mean, what’s stopping someone from slapping together a story and submitting it?

The other thing is that I don’t believe in the Reptilian theory (I’ll get to my full thoughts after I give my take on Alan’s experience). However, despite that, I did keep an open mind going into this instance. I didn’t want to blindly dismiss it, especially if I was going to dedicate a full-blown write-up to it. I try to be as unbiased as I can be; I’m not perfect, and I do sometimes scoff at various things in stories, but with this one, I went in and made absolutely sure not to dismiss anything.

With that said, allow me to say that, no, I don’t believe this was a Reptilian shapeshifter. I feel the biggest strike against the entire thing is that nobody else in the room apparently reacted to the transformation—one that lasted more than long enough for someone to have noticed. Unless everyone in there was in on it (which I highly doubt since I cannot imagine that everyone involved would keep their mouths shut forever), this strikes me more as Alan being mentally unwell. I know that’s a common explanation for a lot of conspiracies, but in this case, I think that’s the best explanation.

While I can’t prove it—and believe me, I know that that can and would be used against me in a debate about Reptilian control of our planet—I think that Alan was probably deemed not fit to stand trial, hence why the judge left. It’s probable that he is (or was—if he got treatment) schizophrenic. He might have had a hallucination and thought the judge was a lizard. I don’t know the exact inner workings of the condition, but I do know that hallucinations are one of the most common symptoms; upwards of 70–80% of schizophrenics suffer from them.

Now, if that isn’t the case and Alan is of sound mind, I have to admit that I’m nonetheless still deeply skeptical. While I’m open to hearing one’s arguments, this is a case where I have to question how Alan was the only one to notice anything. Is it possible the others didn’t see the judge change? Yes, but I’d say it’s incredibly unlikely, especially if reporters were there. Surely, someone would have snapped a photo that caught the transformation.

I’d also have to wonder why the judge began to shapeshift. Did old age begin to take effect? Was it an accident? I don’t know a lot about Reptilians biologically (I was never very astute when it came to that topic), but this would be a truly comical mistake to make in front of over a dozen people you supposedly reign over. If you’re more well-read when it comes to the topic, do let me know.

Now, with all of that said, I want to go ahead and elaborate on my thoughts on Reptilians as a whole. I’m highly skeptical of their existence. It always struck me as being far too elaborate and silly. The idea that a race of shapeshifters could go so long without being exposed, yet we apparently know so much about them (and they’ve never tried to stop us from knowing about them), is too much for me. I’m sure that there’s an explanation or two out there from folks who believe in it, and I’m more than willing to hear them out if they happen to comment. However, as it stands, I consider it to be on the silly side.

Despite that, I do have to admit that I love reading about it. It’s a strangely fascinating topic. I don’t believe that I will ever cover the full thing, though, but I digress. Ultimately, I doubt the whole thing, but don’t let me discourage you from reading up on it yourself. I’d rather not be an arbiter in anyone’s life, so don’t abide by my every word like it’s gospel.

On one final note, I want to touch upon Mary’s comment from earlier. Specifically about the witch she saw outside of her Church. This was something that made me raise an eyebrow because it sounded like it was just a person in a costume—or possibly just what she was wearing, and she lived nearby. While it’s possible there are details missing (I have no idea what neighborhood Mary resides in), I don’t believe that to have been a witch or demon. But that’s going off of what was said; I wouldn’t be shocked to learn if there was more to it than was said by Mary.


And so, with that, our write-up comes to a close. I spent way longer trying to think of a way to end this write-up than I care to admit. A part of me wants to crack a joke and blame the Reptilians for doing this, but I can’t think of a good one. So, I bid you all adieu; stay happy, stay healthy, and thank you for reading!

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